Lexicon:Royal, Royal Society

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Term: Royal, Royal Society
References: The Hundred Days
Blue at the Mizzen, pages 23, 132, 184, 191, 232, 236
Meaning: The Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge, is the oldest scientific society in Great Britain and one of the oldest in Europe, founded in 1660. By the 18th century, the achievements of the Royal Society were internationally famous. Its publication, Philosophical Transactions, begun in 1665, was one of the earliest periodicals in the West. Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley were members. In 1768 the society sponsored a the first scientific expedition to the Pacific, under James Cook, and in 1919 it sent an expedition to photograph the solar eclipse of May 29 from Principe Island in the Gulf of Guinea, which verified Einstein's general theory of relativity. It gives the Copley Medal annually; it is the most prestigious scientific award in Great Britain. Candidates for membership must be recommended by several fellows who personally attest to the candidate's scientific achievement. Current membership is over 1,000.

Additional information

Maturin's Medicine — This article is based on information from Maturin's Medicine, compiled and edited by Kerry Webb, with the help of a number of contributors.

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