The Thirteen-Gun Salute

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Patrick O'Brian anachronistically cites without attribution the poem "Bells in the Tower", by A.E. Housman.

This mention was discussed in an article, which appeared in substantially the same form in the "Housman Society Journal 2002", Volume Twenty Eight, p. 106 (see

The article can be found at

For more details about the plot, which will contain spoilers, see Summary for The Thirteen-Gun Salute

Books in the Aubrey-Maturin Series by Patrick O'Brian

Master and Commander | Post Captain | HMS Surprise | The Mauritius Command | Desolation Island | The Fortune of War | The Surgeon's Mate | The Ionian Mission | Treason's Harbour | The Far Side of the World | The Reverse of the Medal | The Letter of  Marque | The Thirteen-Gun Salute | The Nutmeg of Consolation | Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove | The Wine-Dark Sea | The Commodore | The Yellow Admiral | The Hundred Days | Blue at the Mizzen | 21: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey

Other books by Patrick O'Brian
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