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In this Month for September
a day by day calendar of events in the Canon
  • September 13, 1810: HMS Africaine captured and retaken. TMC: pages 289-291 AHE
  • September 14, 1804: HMS Polychrest attacks Chalieu and captures the Fanciulla. PC: pages 370-384
  • September 16, **1813**: Jack Aubrey has a disagreeable little interview with envoy Edward Fox. TGS: page 272
  • September 17, **1813**: Envoy Fox unexpectedly declines Jack Aubrey’s invitation to dinner the next day. TGS: pages 276-277
  • September 18, 1810: HMS Bombay recaptured and French frigate Venus taken. TMC: pages 318-321
  • September 20, 1804: Jack Aubrey writes to William Babbington’s parents about their son’s bravery at Chalieu and Stephen Maturin’s skills as a surgeon. PC: page 386
  • September 21, 1809: British troops land on La Reunion to take St. Paul; French frigate Caroline captured. TMC: page 148 AHE
  • September 22, 1809: Lord Clonfert destroys storehouses at St. Paul. TMC: page 156 AHE
  • September 22, **1813**: HMS Diane fires a salute in commemoration of Coronation Day, to the confusion of envoy Fox. TGS: page 289
  • September 23, 1809: General Desbulys kills himself on La Reunion. TMC page 157 AHE
  • September 25, 1799: Boats of HMS Surprise capture the Hermione from mutineers and the Spanish. AHE
  • September 26, **1813**: End of Ramadan, Muslim Year 1228; Jack Aubrey in Suez, impatient to set sail in Niobe to Mubara. TH: page 170
  • September 29, 1804: Storm strikes British frigate squadron sailing to intercept Spanish treasure flotilla. PC: pages 479-481
  • September 30, 1804: HMS Lively under Jack Aubrey encounters HMS Medusa after storm. PC: page 481

In this Month
a day by day calendar of dates in the Canon

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