The Mauritius Command

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For more details about the plot, which will contain spoilers, see Summary for The Mauritius Command

Books in the Aubrey-Maturin Series by Patrick O'Brian

Master and Commander | Post Captain | HMS Surprise | The Mauritius Command | Desolation Island | The Fortune of War | The Surgeon's Mate | The Ionian Mission | Treason's Harbour | The Far Side of the World | The Reverse of the Medal | The Letter of  Marque | The Thirteen-Gun Salute | The Nutmeg of Consolation | Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove | The Wine-Dark Sea | The Commodore | The Yellow Admiral | The Hundred Days | Blue at the Mizzen | 21: The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey

Other books by Patrick O'Brian

The Mauritius campaign in history

SPOILER WARNING:  Plot or ending details for " The Mauritius Command"  follow.

O'Brian says truly in his foreword that he has adhered closely to the facts of history. No other book in the series retains nearly so much of the real-life course of events; even minor details such as the burning of the silk, the sacrifice of a transport-brig to provide a breakwater during the Réunion landings, Farquhar's propaganda leaflets and the explosion caused by a French flag are faithfully transcribed from the historical record. The principal changes he has allowed himself are as follows:

  • Jack Aubrey replaces Josiah Rowley as Commodore.
  • Lord Clonfert replaces Captain Nesbit Willoughby as commander of the Otter and subsequently captain of the Néréide. Willoughby was an altogether more robust figure, several of whose exploits are transferred to Jack himself in the book; he was wounded in the same way as Clonfert but recovered and lived to be 72.
  • Captain Robert Corbett's fate is uncertain. The historian William James mentions the theory that he was killed by his crew but rejects it, suggesting instead that the wounded Corbett threw away his life by tearing off his bandages, a motif which O'Brian transfers to Clonfert.
  • Hamelin, the French commodore, was not killed on board the Vénus but lived until 1839.

A curious detail is that HMS Leopard (50) was included in the squadron during 1809. O'Brian does not mention her in this book; he had other plans for her.

A chronology of the historical campaign is in preparation.

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