Lexicon:Ohé, du bâteau. ...

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Citation: Ohé, du bâteau.
Ohé, La Diane, où ce qu'elle se trouve à présent?
Au quai toujours, nom de Dieu. T'es Guillaume?
Non. Etienne.
Ben. Je m'en vais. Qu'est-ce que tu as là?
  Des galériens.
Ah, les bougres. Bon. Au plaisir, eh.
Au plaisir, et je te souhaite merde, eh?
Language: colloquial French
References: The Letter of Marque, page 192
Meaning: Ahoy, the boat.
Ahoy: the Diane, where's she at the moment?
At the dock, as usual, in God's name. Are you William?
No, Stephen.
OK. I must be off. What have you got there?
Ah, those poor fellows. OK. Goodbye, then.
Goodbye, and I wish you shit, eh?


To "wish someone shit" is slang for wishing luck.

Additional information

Guide for the Perplexed — This article is based on information from the Guide for the Perplexed, edited by Anthony Gary Brown and based on the work of many contributors. As an aid to readers, the translations offered in Guide for the Perplexed are intended to be a literal as possible, and to follow as closely as possible the original word order.
All contributions to this article are considered to be dual licensed under the terms of the WikiPOBia License and for use in future editions of the Guide for the Perplexed under its terms of inclusion (contact Anthony Gary Brown for details).
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