WikiPOBia:General disclaimer

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Revision as of 09:33, 24 November 2010 by Aquinas (Talk | contribs)
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  • The WikiPOBia hosts, moderators and contributors make their best efforts to ensure that information on this site is accurate but there is no guarantee that information on WikiPOBia, or on sites linked to from WikiPOBia, is correct and the WikiPOBia hosts, moderators and contributors cannot be held responsible for your use of this site.
  • WikiPOBia makes its best efforts to ensure that articles, images and other materials posted on this site comply with our policies and do not infringe copyrights. Any materials which do not comply with our policies or infringe copyrights will be removed as soon as possible once this is brought to our attention. WikiPOBia cannot accept responsibility for what its users post or upload.
  • Articles on WikiPOBia, or on sites linked to from WikiPOBia, may contain spoilers or content that some people may find objectionable, and you use WikiPOBia at your own risk. We encourage contributors to WikiPOBia to include spoiler warnings where appropriate but WikiBOBia cannot guarantee that spoiler warnings will be given. WikiPOBia makes no judgments regarding what material readers may find objectionable and WikiPOBia cannot be held responsible for your reaction to the materials on WikiPOBia or on sites linked to from WikiPOBia.
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