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Term: bark
References: HMS Surprise, pages 264, 363
The Mauritius Command, pages 91, 242
The Fortune of War, page 175
The Ionian Mission, page 108
The Nutmeg of Consolation, page 23
Clarissa Oakes, page 93
The Commodore, page 98
Meaning: The dried bark of any of several trees of the genus Cinchona containing alkaloids — as quinine, cinchonine, quinidine, and cinchonidine — and being used especially formerly as a specific in malaria, an antipyretic in other fevers, and a tonic and stomachic — called also cinchona bark, Jesuits' bark, Peruvian bark or Countess' powder (after the Countess of Cinchon). The 'tonic' in gin & tonic is quinine and was popular in the East Indies because it reduced fever in general. It still does, and with the gin you don't mind the fever.

Additional information

Maturin's Medicine — This article is based on information from Maturin's Medicine, compiled and edited by Kerry Webb, with the help of a number of contributors.

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